Dra. María Dávila, Mgs, Md. – EEUU
Theme: Lack of Research Integrity – How to identify and prevent.
Experienced professional with extensive experience in research, research ethics and health research compliance. She has a strong educational background, including a foreign medical degree and a bachelor’s degree in Bioethics from Emory University. She holds certifications in Health Research Compliance, IRB Professional and Clinical Research Coordination.

Dr. Joaquín González del Pino, Mgs, Md. – España
Theme: Social Entrepreneurship: Transforming Communities.
He has extensive experience in advising and developing strategic plans for family businesses of different sizes, as well as their family protocols. Expert in Leadership, Team Management and Sales, he develops consulting and training work in companies such as REPSOL, Mahou-San Miguel, National Express, ADIF or ASISA, among others. Business Angel in different national and international startups of Purpose Driven companies. Director of Development and Innovation at GFS ́ Consulting Group.

Ramón Santana Fernández – México
Theme: Generative Artificial Intelligence, linguistic models and generative neural networks.
PhD in Biometrics and Master in Computer Applications. His professional career includes prominent roles in research and software development at prestigious universities. He has held positions as Research Director and Senior Developer. In the Salinas Group company, he was dedicated to the research and development of facial and hand biometric systems for personal identification, using deep neural networks and machine learning techniques.

Fernando Alexis Nolazco Labajos, PhD – Perú
Theme: Artificial intelligence and holistic research in the social sciences.
Dr. in Education and Master with specialization in Learning and Human Development from the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola y César Vallejo, graduated with the award of *Academic Excellence* for achieving the first place in his specialty. He also has a Doctorate in Administration from the University of Celaya in Mexico. Specialist in Pedagogical Management by the Universidad Privada Antonio Ruiz de Montoya and specialist in Research with international diplomas in Mexico in charge of Dr. Hernandez Sampieri of the University of Celaya. Editor of the scientific journal EDUSER. Promoter and executor of innovative projects related to cultural heritage and involving social agents. Extensive experience in working with youth and adults (andragogy). Currently professor of research methodology courses, design and development of research projects at undergraduate and graduate level. Lecturer of holistic, mixed and qualitative methodology at national and international level in Cuba, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina and Spain.

Dra. Wileydis Artigas – EEUU
Theme: Influence of methodological elements in the development of a scientific article.
Wileidys Artigas Morales (Born in Venezuela, resident of the USA). PhD in Social Sciences, mention in Management. Master in Business Management, mention in Operations Management. Master in Local Development Management. Bachelor’s Degree in Administration. Editor of Telos: Interdisciplinary Journal in Social Sciences. Professor-Researcher with more than 15 years of experience in Universities in Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador. Author of more than 45 articles in scientific journals and international lecturer. Researcher in projects in the lines of research related to scientific journals, the most recent CUVICOM (Spain).

Dra. Rosana Meleán – Venezuela
Tema: Research processes to consolidate high-impact products: With whom does Latin America compete?
Post-doctorate, Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez Mendoza (UNTRM), Peru. PhD in Social Sciences, mention in Management, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela. Research Sufficiency granted by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. Master in Business Management, mention in Industrial Management. Bachelor’s Degree in Administration, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela. Director of the Revista Venezolana de Gerencia (RVG) (Scopus Q3 Journal). Professor at Universidad del Zulia – Venezuela, Universidad César Vallejo – Peru and other national and international universities. Certified researcher in Venezuela and Peru. Responsible researcher and co-principal investigator of national and international research projects. Author of books and book chapters. Author of scientific articles. Advisor, tutor and jury evaluator of research works at Pre and Post graduate level. Invited lecturer and speaker at national and international scientific events. Member of the organizing committee of national and international events. Member of the Editorial Committee and referee of national and international scientific journals. Member of Research Networks at national and international level.